Country of Origin: Greece
Museum: The British Museum
The Elgin Marbles
Country of Origin: Cambodia
Museum: The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Country of Origin: Egypt
Museum: The British Museum
The Rosetta Stone
Country of Origin: Ethiopia
Museum: Victoria & Albert Museum
Ornate Gold Crown from Maqdala
Country of Origin: Egypt
Museum: Ägyptisches Museum, Neues Museum Berlin
The Bust of Nefertiti
Country of Origin: Cameroon
Museum: The Dapper Foundation, Paris; various
The Bangwa Queen
Country of Origin: Italy
Museum: The Louvre
The Wedding Feast at Cana (1563)
Country of Origin: India
Museum: Tower of London
Koh-i-Noor Diamond
Country of Origin: India
Museum: Victoria & Albert Museum
Tippoo's Tiger
Country of Origin: Easter Island
Museum: The British Museum
Hoa Hakananai'a
Country of Origin: Nigeria
Museum: The British Museum; various
Benin Bronzes
Country of Origin: Egypt
Museum: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Bust of Prince Ankhhaf
Country of Origin: Turkey
Museum: The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Bubon Bronzes
Country of Origin: Thailand
Museum: Asian Art Museum SF; Norton Simon; The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Thai Antiquities
Country of Origin: Thailand
Museum: Denver Art Museum; The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Prakhon Chai Hoard